Roof Protection For Your Home
Renovate your home today. Safety and the best protection with quality materials. Take the help of our expert advisors to survey your home and learn about the necessary and recommended changes that your property needs. Increase the curb appeal of your home with safety and quality.
Increase your home’s value
Implement the modern designs to add to the curb appeal of your home.
Record the Extent of the Damage
Get an estimate for the repair cost for better money management.
Re-bedding and Re-painting
Get your kitchen and bathroom tiles fixed or replaced. Paint your entire house again.
Take the help of professionals to apply safe and waterproof coating to your home.
Gloss coat
Add to the curb value of your home with the help of a gloss coat on your walls and floors.
Roof Inspection/Repair/Replace
Get your roof checked by an expert and receive an immediate repair service at your doorstep.
Prevent future damage and leaks
Locate the leakages around your home and get them fixed quickly for long term protection.
Improve your home’s energy efficiency
Make your home greener and reduce the carbon footprint on earth with the right energy-saving methods.
Extend your roof’s life
Build a better roof and use quality roofing products to improve the safety and durability of your roof.
How Long Will a Roof Restoration Last?
Our team helps you achieve the best quality roofing solutions that provide guaranteed ten-year protection. With the right maintenance, you can protect your roof for up to two decades without the need for a second restoration.
Get a free quote for your roof restoration today.
Have a roof inspector visit and check your roof for every upgrade needed.
Fast, affordable and long-lasting roof restoration services
Our well-organized roofing solutions company uses the experience of over 50 years to implement the best practices available today. We keep up with technology and trends to provide cleaner alternatives to previous roofing materials and products.
“Thank you for such a friendly and helpful service.”
“This is the kind of roofing upgrade I was expecting for a long time.”
“A very well done job on the home interiors with great creativity.”
From Our Blog

Roof Cleaning Tips You Should Follow
Just like professional house cleaning services, professional roofers are individuals who are required to be completely intricate and delicate when it comes to that work, so that they can ensure that the roofs do not fall apart and also that the roof does not have any loose openings. They make sure that the roof stays in place to protect the entire home. You should make sure that a pressure washer does not cause any damage to the tiles, because, in a lot of cases, people have said that this pressure washer causes some damage to the tiles. The high-pressure can … Read the rest

Cleaning Roofs: What You Should Do
For a lot of families, taking the time to clean the roof might not exactly fit into their schedule, which could be really busy. That is why getting a professional like Sparkle and Shine in to help is the best option. Instead of checking the roof yourself, one of the best ideas is to hire a professional to do it for you. If you know what type of roof you have on your house, it will actually be very easy for you to find a roofer who can do the job for you. Cleaning your roof is not exactly an … Read the rest

Tips For Pressure Washing Your Roof
You may not exactly know, but your roof needs proper maintenance, and it needs your attention. It does not need too much attention, but a couple of times a year, you should make sure that you clean it and that you check on it from time to time. Your roof is something that covers you and protects your home. Without your roof, your house cannot be the way it is right now. All of the external elements which are harsh, cannot get into your house because of your roof, and that is why, it is an essential part when it … Read the rest

Some Roof Restoration Tips You Should Have In Mind
Homeowner definitely ask himself some questions at some point, should I have my roof replaced or restored? Is there anything wrong with it? How much attention should I give the roof? These questions will certainly answer themselves, depending on how the roof looks and how it behaves. It all depends on how much damage the roof has taken during harsh weather seasons and conditions. The best advice that I can give you would be to consult the advice of a professional roofer who knows exactly what he’s doing and also a person who knows what to tell you when he … Read the rest

Roofing And Cleaning Tips For A Novice
In this guide, I will be giving you some tips and tricks if you are a novice when it comes to cleaning of your roof. A lot of Homeowners actually have found quite a bit of luck when it comes to applying detergent or even using a low-pressure wash. It would help if you used a low-pressure wash, because it does not have the destructive capabilities of a high-pressure wash. A lot of washers operate at 1500 to 3000 PSI so that they can effectively wash the shingles and the tiles. Some of them will actually end up removing or … Read the rest

Roof Care: What To Do?
Keeping your roof safe and secure is your responsibility. It should be clean, and it will be a great choice to get in preparation for summer and spring season. These two seasons will throw out a lot of sunlight onto your roof. It needs to be prepared. Winter weather can actually be the enemy of a roof single, especially in very cold places where you deal with a lot of storms. It is extremely important for a roofing contractor to reach out to a homeowner so that they can help them when it comes to cleaning and investigating a roof. … Read the rest